Welcome to the Caught Between Radio Play by Philip Butera. This is the first episode of 24. They will be released every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 pm EDT. We hope you enjoy the radio play, which is based on a true story, but the names have been changed to protect all parties. Please leave a comment below if you enjoy this first radio play in the series.
Episode One – Do You Have A Motive? Â
Divisional Chief Roberts informs Detective Sergeant Michael D’laska that he is to investigate the shooting of a Mafia henchman by an off-duty police officer. D’laska initiates the inquiry by speaking with Captain Connors, the first high-ranking officer at the scene. D’laska gets his first taste of the deep animosity and prejudices the established Irish guard have against the Italians in the police force.Â
Chief Roberts and Captain Connors believe Officer Calabrese is guilty, while Detective Olearczyk says Calabrese should be congratulated for killing a thug like Nickie Piantini. And already, questions seemingly unrelated to the shooting surface. Why was Calabrese in Manhattan at that exact day and time? Detective D’laska needs to have a conversation with Officer Calabrese, which will happen next time. Â
Introduction – Philip Butera
Detective Sergeant Michael D’laska – Philip Butera
Chief Roberts – Paul Licata
Captain Connors – Sean Conway
Detective Flip Olearczyk – Howard Palinsky
Produced and edited by 7StoryRabbit.com